O Sacrament Most Holy, O Sacrament Divine, all praise and all thanksgiving be every moment thine!

Daily Schedule

5:30 am Meditation
6:00 am Lauds (Morning Prayer)
6:25 am Holy Sacrifice of the Mass
7:00 am Adoration and Rosary
7:30 am Breakfast
8:00 am Work Assignments
10:00 am Class
11:00 am Choir
11:45 am Midday Prayer
12:00 pm Lunch
12:45 pm Class
1:45 pm Personal time for prayer, taking a walk, spiritual reading, classwork
3:30 pm Afternoon Work Assignments
4:30 pm Spiritual Reading
5:00 pm Rosary
5:25 pm Vespers (Evening Prayer)
5:45 pm Benediction
6:00 pm Dinner
6:30 pm Recreation
7:00 pm Compline (Night Prayer)
9:30 pm Lights Out

Novices share in our Apostolate of Perpetual Adoration. They rise a few nights a week to keep watch with our Lord in our Adoration Chapel.