“Let love reign among you, for love is the queen of all virtues and the soul of the community life. Be of one heart and soul, then all will be well and even the most difficult becomes easy. Hardships and adversity may enter from outside; bearing them in common can even make them sweet.”

~ Blessed Maria Theresia

Daily we strive to abandon ourselves to His will, especially in loving obedience and service to our religious Sisters. Christ has chosen our community as an essential instrument to help form us throughout our whole lives while we strive to be perfectly united and completed in Him for all eternity.

As members of this Franciscan family, we hold a treasure given to us through our formation as daughters of Blessed Maria Theresia Bonzel after the example of St. Francis of Assisi.

Living in community as Jesus lived with His disciples, we are schooled in the way of Gospel love. Through our deepening relationship with God in prayer, we are graced to contribute to the family spirit desired by Mother Maria Theresia and St. Francis in which all are united in the Father’s love.

As members of our religious family, we make ourselves available to our Sisters, giving support and assistance while relying on the same from them.

“Preserve mutual love; then you will feel less the burden of daily life, but will have much joy if you can help one another and lighten one another’s burden.”

~ Blessed Maria Theresia