From Destruction to Transformation: Finding Joy in Suffering

From Destruction to Transformation: Finding Joy in Suffering I often wondered why the Fourth Mystery of the Rosary, the Presentation of Our Lord in the Temple, was a Joyful Mystery.  I understood, of course, that this was a momentous occasion for the Spirit-filled Simeon and the holy prophetess, Anna, who now had met in person...

The Innkeeper

“She wrapped him in swaddling clothes and laid him in a manger, because there was no room for them in the inn” (Luke 2:7). When I was in first grade, my Sunday School class put on a production of the Nativity story. We had been waiting for this all year. I wanted the part of...

2018-2019 Discernment Retreats

If you are a young woman between the ages of 17 and 30 and are considering a vocation to the Religious Life, we invite you to attend a discernment retreat at our Motherhouse. The retreat begins at 7:00 pm on Friday and ends at 11:00 am on Sunday. All retreat times are Eastern Standard Time. A...


“You will no longer be known in the world as Emily, but as Sister Mary Amata of St. Joseph.”      For more than a year, I had been asking the Lord what He wanted to call me, what name He wished to give me in religious life. In prayer, I just kept coming back...

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