Recently I read a biography of Caryll Houselander written by Maisie Ward. In it she writes:
“Caryll saw shapes already present in the wood she carved which only needed to be made visible to others. She saw the image of God in men’s souls that only needed to be made visible to themselves and to others.”
Isn’t this, or at least, shouldn’t this be the mystery of our lives! As Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration we strive daily to make of our lives a ceaseless act of adoration. This means that not only do I adore Him by my prayer and work, but I adore His presence in every person and situation. This couldn’t happen if I didn’t spend time with Him in Eucharistic Adoration. Yes, we have apostolates in health care and education but our primary aim isn’t simply health or intellectual advancement, but the discovery, or rather recovery, of the image of God within each person. He is IN YOU – Heaven is IN YOU! St. Elizabeth of the Trinity says it so well, “I have found heaven on earth, since heaven is God, and God is in my soul.” What will it take for you to see, beyond your wounds, God within you? Furthermore, what will it take for you to see Him in others? The answer is found with an encounter with the Living God in Eucharistic Adoration; by spending time exclusively with Him I learn to see Him. This divine perspective profoundly affects the way we live and encounter others.
Written by Sister M. Lissetta