Acceptance into the Novitiate begins a two-year intensive deepening of one’s prayer life and experience of religious life. Novices study the theology of religious life, the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience, our Franciscan Rule and the Constitution of our Congregation. Experiences in the apostolate during the second year of the novitiate provide further opportunities to learn to integrate the contemplative and the active life. A novice professes temporary vows at the end of the two-year novitiate.

The ultimate goal of the novitiate is to prepare the novice to make a loving and free commitment to God, the community, and the Church expressed through the profession of temporary vows by living in obedience, poverty, and chastity according to the Rule and Constitution.
Receiving the Habit
Before the novice receives her new habit, the chaplain blesses the habits with holy water.

Receiving the Rule and Constitution
After the Sisters return to the Chapel wearing their new habits, they are presented with a copy of our Rule and Constitution. They are charged to study and live by these holy documents.

Receiving a New Name
The novice also receives a new name to signify the new life she has been called to live.