Sister Maria Faustina

It started in eighth grade when I first officially met Sisters and saw a piece of their life. My dad would go there for morning prayer sometimes on Saturdays and I would come with him. And I loved praying with the Sisters. I felt Jesus’ delight in us. It drew me to His Heart. However, it would be a while before I really realized and considered God’s call to the religious life. I started feeling… Read more “Sister Maria Faustina”
Sister Mercy

“For thus says the Lord God: Behold, I, I myself will search for my sheep, and will seek them out. As a shepherd seeks out his flock when some of his sheep have been scattered abroad, so will I seek out my sheep; and I will rescue them from all places where they have been scattered on a day of clouds and thick darkness.” Ezekiel 34:11-12 This passage from Ezekiel is one of my favorite… Read more “Sister Mercy”
Sister Josetta Rose

I grew up Catholic and received all my Sacraments, but I still remember the moment when the truth that God wanted a personal relationship with me hit my heart and changed my life. It started when I was in college at Winona State University and went to a SEEK conference put on by FOCUS (The Fellowship of Catholic University Students) in 2015. At that conference Fr. Mike Schmitz gave a talk about the Eucharist called,… Read more “Sister Josetta Rose”
Sister Karol Ann

I grew up in a Catholic family at a vibrant parish in Carmel, a suburb of Indianapolis. I was blessed to attend Catholic schools from Kindergarten through College and there were sisters present in each of my schools. I was open to religious life, but never felt that the timing was right. In college, I discerned that I could best use the talents that God gave me as an accounting major. I landed an awesome… Read more “Sister Karol Ann”
Sister Mary John

“My grace is sufficient for you…” -2 Corinthians 12:9 How can you begin to describe the indescribable? God’s mysterious plans are beyond our comprehension, as are the workings of His grace. Yet, even though we do not understand, we believe that He provides us with all of the grace we need to accomplish His Will and give Him the glory. What you read below are the major points of God’s grace moving within my… Read more “Sister Mary John”
Sister Petra

The seeds of my vocation were planted when I was very young. In first grade, my teacher was a Sister of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration. I remember how much I loved Sr. Kathleen and wanted to be a “Franciscan teaching nun” just like her. From first grade through the beginning of high school, I believed I was called to religious life. In high school, I pushed the thoughts of a religious vocation to the… Read more “Sister Petra”
Sister Mary Augustine

“But those things I used to consider gain I have now reappraised as loss in the light of Christ. I have come to rate all as loss in the light of the surpassing knowledge of my Lord Jesus Christ. For His sake I have forfeited everything; I have accounted all else rubbish so that Christ may be my wealth…” (Phil 3: 7-8) Born and raised in South Bend, IN, I lived just 20 minutes… Read more “Sister Mary Augustine”
Sister Regina

The Bible gives us numerous examples of the Lord calling His people individually, and as the chosen race, Israel. In the Old Testament there were the patriarchs, prophets and kings. Remember how we hear of David whom the Lord “found” and anointed. In the beginning of the New Testament the Holy Spirit comes upon Mary, and Gabriel extends to this humble girl the Divine invitation to the greatest vocation of all time – to be… Read more “Sister Regina”
Sister Dorothy

I grew up on a small farm in Missouri with my parents and seven siblings. We were a very happy family, had lots of chores, we had a large garden, chickens, pigs, and cattle. We also had lots of fruit trees. At that time we did not have electricity, so we smoked the meat, and canned the vegetables and fruit. We were pretty self-sufficient. Lots of hands made all this possible. We had a croquet… Read more “Sister Dorothy”
Sister Joan

I was born and raised in Goshen, Indiana to a loving, Catholic family. My parents took me to Church every Sunday without fail. They did not believe in splitting up Mass attendance so that the baby wouldn’t make noise during Mass. “We go to Church as a family,” was one of my Dad’s many paternal maxims. My parents also had a great reverence for the Blessed Sacrament. Frequently, our family would travel to St. Mary’s… Read more “Sister Joan”
Sister Lethia Marie

There are colorful threads throughout the tapestry of one’s life. One of these threads weaved in and out my life without too much realization on my part. I was in second grade, when I remember looking at the teacher who was a Dominican sister. She had just finished a lesson and was sitting at her desk. I thought how I wanted to be just like her. I loved learning. I wanted to teach. The school… Read more “Sister Lethia Marie”
Sister Lucia

One of our Sisters would frequently tell me that God speaks to us through our personal salvation history. In other words, our whole past, present and future are the means God uses to speak His love and His will to us and to bring us closer to Himself. If the Sacred Scriptures tell us the love story between God and humankind, then our past becomes a part of God’s personal love story with us. … Read more “Sister Lucia”
Sister Mary Bosco

“This is what I want, this is what I seek, this is what I long to do with all my heart!” ~ St. Francis of Assisi My adventure, like most, begins at home. I am blessed with a very loving Catholic family. My vocation was nurtured here in the family, between the pillars of the Eucharist and Our Lady. I am here today doing God’s will thanks to the love, sacrifices, and prayers of my… Read more “Sister Mary Bosco”
Sister Mary Grace

I was born and raised in Kokomo, Indiana. I went to Sts. Joan of Arc and Patrick school from pre-K to the 8th grade and then transferred to a public high school. All throughout grade school I always wondered why we had to attend Mass every Monday and Friday, especially since I went every Sunday with my family. My parents always made sure we were at Mass on Sunday, but this is all our faith… Read more “Sister Mary Grace”
Sister Anna Joseph

It was a dark and stormy night. Okay, I don’t recall that there was actually a storm, and there was nothing particularly ominous about the darkness that evening. What I do remember are my friend’s words, “If you don’t do anything, nothing is going to happen.” Have you ever sat around, “waiting” for God’s will to happen? On this particular evening, and for a number of months beforehand, I had been passively awaiting the… Read more “Sister Anna Joseph”
Sister Fiat

I was raised in a beautiful family in which the faith imbued the whole of our life. My vocation began in this home of love as it was here that I first experienced the Lord’s personal love for me. I grew up going to Catholic school and truly always try to be in relationship with the Lord. My relationship with Him deepened greatly in high school, specifically through my prayer and the community of a… Read more “Sister Fiat”
Sister Evangeline

I didn’t really think about becoming a sister until after high school. My faith has always been important to me. I went to mass every Sunday with my parents and brother. I went to Catholic school from kindergarten all the way through high school. When I was a sophomore in high school, I started to go to youth group. That following summer I went a Catholic summer youth camp and a youth conference at Franciscan… Read more “Sister Evangeline”
Sister Mary Peter

I grew up in a loving Catholic family and have always been strong in my faith, but never seriously considered religious life while I was growing up. I thought about it a couple of times during college, but I put it off. It was only after I left school and began my career as a junior high teacher that I began thinking about what God’s plans for my life might be. During my first… Read more “Sister Mary Peter”
Sister Marie Thérèse

Throughout my life, Our Lady has always been my main inspiration and guide in my discernment. She has continually led me deeper and deeper in an understanding of my calling, which is very similar to her own. This calling is to be both completely consecrated to God and a mother of souls – bringing to birth within them the life of Christ! I was born on January 1st, Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God; so… Read more “Sister Marie Thérèse”
Sister Mary Amata

I entered the Sisters of St. Francis of Perpetual Adoration in September 2017 after finishing my sophomore year of college. Looking back, it is beautiful to see how the Lord had been calling me and preparing me for this vocation since the moment of my Baptism. I was blessed to grow up in a strong Catholic family where my mom sent us out the door every morning saying, “Be Jesus to everyone you meet today!”… Read more “Sister Mary Amata”
Sister Emmanuel

I met the Sisters when I was studying nursing at the University of Saint Francis in Fort Wayne. I had never thought about God calling me to religious life. In fact, I had already planned that I would get married after I graduated and work as an RN for a short time before having 12 children- God willing! This was still my plan as I was delving deeper into my studies my junior year. However,… Read more “Sister Emmanuel”